Friday, December 11, 2009

Habits are hard to stop, I guess.

I found it really funny that on Good Morning America this morning, there was a story on how there was an iceberg heading toward Australia and the guy made a comment that it could become more frequent as it gets warmer. Well the next story was a long in depth story about how the Nation is going through a really bad freeze from Arizona all the way to Maine. There was also a story about a waterfall that froze in Oregon.

Habits are hard to stop, I guess. The earth has been cooling for the past 10 years and they won't give up. They have so much invested in their religion of "Global Warming" they can't stop or they are crazy.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Big News you won't hear from the media because it doesn't scare

When leading scientists say not to worry about Global Warming it is rarely if ever reported. The top UN scientist says the next 10 to 20 years will be cooler - see Scientists pull an about face on global warming and Why we can all stop worrying about 'Global Warming' for a bit

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Cold and Rainy in California in June ? !

Another example of the lie that the earth is warming. I've said it many times before, you can't predict the weather. All over the world temperatures are getting colder.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Some Truth about the Weather Patterns

This is an excellent interview interview with the Chief meteorologist at on the BS of Global Warming. The past few days I have been watching the weather for next weekend and one day it's supposed to rain next Saturday, the next day they predict sunshine.  So much for computer models.  The old adage "GIGO" holds, Garbage in - Garbage out.  Putting bad information into a computer only gets you bad results.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

More evidence we may be entering an ice age

Yet another article about the bitter cold that has been happening around the world for the past few years.  Bitter cold to linger across U.S. through weekend -   But the "Global Warming" turned "Climate Change"  fanatics will keep pushing their religion on us and making us spend billions of dollars on some farce that they dreamed up to make money.