Thursday, December 18, 2008

An Ice Age is Coming

I woke up in Los Angeles today and my car window had solid ice on it and had to scrape it like I did when I lived back east.  There is snow on the local mountains of the San Fernando valley, three freeways are closed and a coworker's family member says there is 8" of snow in the desert around Palmdale / Lancaster area.  People are being swindled.  The news won't report it because it doesn't scare people to hear that everything will be fine. They have already had to change their rhetoric from Global Warming to Climate Change.  Well I'll have you know that the weather (climate) changes every day.  Now some scientists are surmising that since the sun spots are lessening the next ice age is upon us.  But people cannot control the weather, that is just a plain fact.

The colleges are really failing or these people are just being bought off, but the data they are using are very suspect.  Their findings are only as reliable as the data being used.  Case and point the NASA debacle where they used faulty readings from Russia when the originally said Oct 2008 was the hottest on record.  They were actually using data from the previous  month (Sep).  Another question I have is how accurate and what kind of standards are the people using in Russia and other countries, how do we know they are using the same techniques that we are.  Also, are our techniques reliable.  I find it impossible that they are reading temperatures in the exact same place with the exact same equipment for the past 100 years or so.  I have worked with temperature and temperature gauges and the temperature can be a few degrees different from one side of room to the other.  Also, it can be different 3 feet from the ground than it is at 6 feet from the ground.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

More lies

Excellent show on the lies told about Global Warming Hoax.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

More evidence Global warming is a lie

Here is more info that the earth is actually cooling.  Alaska's glaciers are actually growing. 

DailyTech - Alaskan Glaciers Grow for First Time in 250 years

The article says that from the 1600s to the 1900s the temperature increased 3 to 4 degrees, what I want to know is where were all the cars and factories during that period of time that supposedly is causing it today? ? ? 

The earth cooled in 2007 and I know it cooled this year also.  I'll will bet you won't hear much about it on the news or in the schools.  They can't make any money telling us everything is ok, don't be scared.

JIMMY AKIN.ORG: Investor's Business Daily - The Day the Earth Cooled

Friday, August 29, 2008

The Lies of Being 'Green"

This article From the Desk of David Pogue - The Bottom Line of the Eco Balance Sheet -  is one excellent example why the "green" movement is a bunch of BS!  No matter what you do someone is angry.  They think you are doing wrong.  But who so they think they are trying to tell us what to do.  Don't let them tell you what to do, all they are trying to do is scare you into doing what they want, don't fall into their trap, Don't Be Scared.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Garbage in Garbage out

In As Arctic Sea Ice Melts, Experts Expect New Low - you can see the bogus information they rely on for their propaganda.  They are using data since only 1979 to formulate their lies.  The earth has been around a lot longer and you can't use such scant data to make a conclusion. 

You would also think that it might be great if the earth warms up so that we could grow more food to feed the overpopulated planet, but that is a lie anyway because we have plenty of food, but they don't really think, they just emote.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Another Scientist Predicts Global Cooling

Their are a lot more scientists disagreeing with the Global Warming fanatics.  Here's a great article - DailyTech - Another Scientist Predicts Global Cooling

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Water Shortage, Global Warming, and Hydrogen cars

It always amazes me at the stupidity of academics, people that have attended college and some inventors.  They are always telling us of a shortage of water and they want cars to run on water, doesn't really make sense to me.  Just like the methanol debacle, now our food prices went up and there is a shortage of food because they are making gas.

But they I thought maybe making cars that run on water could render the supposed global warming catastrophes moot.  If they are able to use water from the ocean to run cars then when if the oceans rise as they claim we can just use all that water in our cars and we will all be fat, dumb, and happy!

But please don't be scared!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

We hear when it's hot but not cold

Why is it that we hear when it's little hotter than normal but the fact that temperatures have been actually lower than normal, if there is a such a thing as "normal weather".  Just Don't be Scared! ! !

Friday, May 30, 2008

The Misuse of "normal"

During the weather for Southern California, a comment was made regarding the fact that we ended up only an inch short of the normal rainfall for our area.  That made me think what that actually means and conclude that when it comes to weather there is actually no "normal".  There are dry seasons, wet seasons, hot seasons, cold seasons, etc.  Just look at this chart of rainfall totals from Los Angeles Almanac  for the years 1887-2007. 


The term that they should use is average instead of "normal".  Can you see any "normal" in this chart? ?   They are always trying to scare you, so don't be scared.  There is also the fact that the LA area can get differing rainfall in the mountains and the valleys.  So where you measure it would matter also.

If you look at this chart of rainfall over or under normal, we have received more rain over the average than less.


Don't Let them scare you, all they do is lie because it's all about the money.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Government Punishes for good Deeds

No good deed goes unpunished. LA Times article Vegetable oil fuels cars -- and tax bills chronicles people trying what they can do for the environment and all they get is punished for it. They state is going after people for running their cars on vegetable oil because they aren't paying tax on it ! ! ! ! When are we going to have a modern version of the Boston Tea Party ! ! ! The Democrats are taxing us to death. They love to control our lives ! ! ! If they really cared about the environment they wouldn't be taxing like this and promote things like electric cars by making the cost $5000 instead of only rich people being able to afford them. We need to cancel ALL laws and start over with a minimal set and go from there.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

They Can't Stand the TRUTH

  There has been a lot of evidence debunking what used to be called global warming but since there is so much evidence to the contrary and they have put so much money into this fallacy they won't give up and now are calling it climate change.  Al Gore is even changing his rhetoric about the Polar Ice Caps, he only mentions the northern one now since the Antarctic has the most ice they have ever seen since they have been measuring it maybe a little more than 100 years ago.  A few great books I have heard the authors do interviews on the radio are:


Saturday, February 16, 2008

The New "Normal"

It really baffles me how idiotic people supposed, of science think.  This article - Dead zones off Oregon and Washington likely tied to global warming, study says - Los Angeles Times says "Low-oxygen zones off the Northwest coast appear to be the new normal."  Do they not understand that there really is no "normal" when it comes to just about anything.  It was normal when the dinosaurs roamed, then they died out.  Don't they believe in evolution?  Things die, things evolve, but hardly anything stays the same.  The earth and all it's creatures are constantly in flux and changing all the time.  It's Survival of the Fittest.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Ethanol from Corn Questioned

It never made sense to me why they would think of taking food from the poor to put gas in our cars. Don't blame high food prices completely on ethanol tries to sort out the answer. People are always looking for a quick fix and don't always look long term at the consequences from their actions. You also can't really tell on things like this because people have their agendas and want you to believe what they do and will lie to get their way.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Trees vs Solar Panels

I saw a story on the Fox News channel this morning about home owners sueing their neighbor because his redwoods we blocking a solar panel. Environmentalists have a big quandry - they are always wanting trees planted and complaining when they are cut down and they really support solar power, so what will they do now?

Plant Trees! ! !

Go Solar! ! ! !

Too many people nowadays need to have everything perfect, well there is no such thing. There will always be competing goods and at some point a choice will have to be made between them. For now I guess Solar wins out.

Neighbors in conflict over solar panels
Sunnyvale homeowners told to cut redwoods that block solar panels

Friday, February 8, 2008

Biofuels increase carbon emissions

Both the LA Times and NY Times have articles on how Biofuels are bad. People are running in fear so much that they will end up hurting themselves and us in the process. They are fillled with hate for the human race and really don't care about people. Alot of them think it's a cash cow for themselves. Just look at all the money Al Gole made scaring people.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Switchgrass-to-ethanol comes out clean in study

Now that they are saying that making ethanol from corn is questionable, using grass may be an answer. Switchgrass-to-ethanol comes out clean in study - but all of this is too new to make any real decision about. My preference is still an electric car.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

More Global cooling

Well this past few weeks the temperatures around the country have dropped to record or near record lows. Atlanta had the most snow in 3 years, record cold Alabama and North Carolina. At one of the Football playoff Games it was 25 below zero. It was also 35 below in Montana. They hopefully are on the run and this lie will be squashed. But then I won't have anything to write in this blog! ! ! Oh well I do have alot of other things to fill my time.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Snow in Baghdad

The first time it snowed in Baghdad in probably a hundred years and they still religiously believe in the Lie of Global Warming.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Fluorescent lights cause physical problems

I know the Global Warming People don't care about anything but the earth and could care less about humanity, but with the push to ban incandescent lights they are going to hurt certain people that can't handle fluorescent lighting.

There is another thing that confirms that all this is "feelings" based and not thought through. Fluorescent lights are considered hazardous, why would they be pushing a technology that is hazardous for environment if they really care about it. It's all political and all that matters to them it how they are perceived and whether they make money or not.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Heads I win, Tales you Lose

With freezing weather in Florida, and possibly even snow. This past year has been cooler, but no matter what it's global warming. Look at the Washington Times article "Year of global cooling". April freeze destroyed South Carolinas peach crop. Charlotte North Carolina had a record low of 21 degrees in April. June 8th in Denver a record of 31 was set. Oregon had a record that was 12 degrees colder than the previous record. Canadian government predicts this winter will be the coldest in 15 years.

It's driven by ideology not by science. Since when does science say case closed? Science always looks at the data and makes judgements. There isn't enough data to judge anything since the world has been here so long. But it doesn't matter, all they have to believe is "we" are the problem and all we have to do is give them all our money. Global Warming is a Lie