Friday, May 30, 2008

The Misuse of "normal"

During the weather for Southern California, a comment was made regarding the fact that we ended up only an inch short of the normal rainfall for our area.  That made me think what that actually means and conclude that when it comes to weather there is actually no "normal".  There are dry seasons, wet seasons, hot seasons, cold seasons, etc.  Just look at this chart of rainfall totals from Los Angeles Almanac  for the years 1887-2007. 


The term that they should use is average instead of "normal".  Can you see any "normal" in this chart? ?   They are always trying to scare you, so don't be scared.  There is also the fact that the LA area can get differing rainfall in the mountains and the valleys.  So where you measure it would matter also.

If you look at this chart of rainfall over or under normal, we have received more rain over the average than less.


Don't Let them scare you, all they do is lie because it's all about the money.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Government Punishes for good Deeds

No good deed goes unpunished. LA Times article Vegetable oil fuels cars -- and tax bills chronicles people trying what they can do for the environment and all they get is punished for it. They state is going after people for running their cars on vegetable oil because they aren't paying tax on it ! ! ! ! When are we going to have a modern version of the Boston Tea Party ! ! ! The Democrats are taxing us to death. They love to control our lives ! ! ! If they really cared about the environment they wouldn't be taxing like this and promote things like electric cars by making the cost $5000 instead of only rich people being able to afford them. We need to cancel ALL laws and start over with a minimal set and go from there.