Friday, November 30, 2007

Wrong Again!

This morning the weatherman said that the rain in LA came sooner than expected. One more example of that they cannot predict the weather in the next few hours let alone that global warming will happen in hundreds or thousands of years. There's no way you can predict the future of anything with the little amount of data we have. Probably the maximum amount of data we have is about a hundred years worth. And what is the quality of the data? Where did they take the tamperature readings a hundred years ago? Do we take them in the same place now? How accurate were their thermometers? Seems like the old adage garbage in, garbage out applies. If you have bad information, you make wrong conclusions. When you have blind people leading you, you may just all over a cliff. Don't Be Scared!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Hybrid Car Farce

I do not like this wave of hybrid technology for cars. The internal combustion engine should have died a long time ago. It's ancient technology. I would've thought by now we would be using some sort of hovercraft, sort of like Luke Skywalker in the original Star Wars. It seems to me that putting two different forms of propulsion together would complicate things more than it already is. Cars are already too complicated, we need to make them simpler and longer-lasting.

I am a big fan of the electric car, but not because of the global warming lie. Mainly because they're so simple and need very little maintenance. The government doesn't want them to get popular because they rely so much on the money they get from the gasoline tax and in smog fees. Another reason may be that a lot of automobile repair workers would be out of a job.

Businesses don't want electric cars because they are easy to fix, and businesses rely on repair to get you to keep coming back. Look at the software business for example you always have to buy an upgraded version to fix the bad software that they sold you the first place. The hybrids don't get that much extra gas mileage anyway. The government is already talking about raising taxes because we are not using enough gas and they aren't collecting enough of our money. That's their main incentive for keeping gas mileage low. Cars haven't improved in gas mileage hardly at all in the past 40 or 50 years. There is something wrong, very, very, wrong here.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Clean air uber alles even if it kills us

Well its that time again and my winter allergies are starting again here in California. I believe they stopped putting MTBE in gasoline but my yearly mucous membrane irritation is in full swing.

Air looks clean but it's probably going to kill us. Like most things the cure is worst than what you have. TV ads claim this pill will fix your bladder problem but may actually keep you from going at all. The air may look clean but they don't care if it kills people, the environment is more important. If they had their way all people would be dead and nature would be pristine.

Monday, November 26, 2007

It' So Easy to Lie

Every new idea is supposed to be a panacea but alot of times people just don't think. Now the U.N. has reported that Bio fuels are bad. The first thing I thought when I heard of making fuel from corn was the price would go up and more people would go hungry. And it turns out it may be worse for the environment that what we are using right now! Wake up! But Don't Be Scared!

Friday, November 23, 2007

Greatest Scam in History

The Weather Channel founder called Gloabal Warming: "The Greatist SCAM in History". Here's his original article and here's his blog series. Maybe the truth will finally get out and this hysteria will subside and stop wasting our time and money.

Hoax (or Deception) of the Century

An excellent interview with Dr. Timothy Ball, Chairman of the Natural Resources Stewardship Project and former climatology professor at the University of Winnipeg on this hoax (it's on the second part so you need to fast forward to 18:13). The world actually has cooled since 1998. There has been so much propaganda from liberals trying to control our lives.

Nuclear power

About everyone against fossil fuels are against nuclear power. You can listen to this excellent show on this subject with Gwyneth Cravens, an admitted liberal and environmentalist. She has written a formidable argument for nuclear power in her book Power to Save the World: The Truth About Nuclear Energy. Also below is a video to view.

View Could Nuclear Power Save the Planet? on
View Could Nuclear Power Save the Planet? on

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Latest Scientific Studies Refute Fears of Greenland Melt

U.S. Senate trip to Greenland finds it is cooling and not warming like all the Global Warming Liers out there that want to scare you. Here is the link to the story.

"An Inconvenient Truth" Ruled Unfit

Al Gores film is probably the biggest lie ever told. The left always wants to scare you and take your money. Here is an article on how the British Court ruled it unfit.

One of the Biggest Lies

One of the biggest lies in this "age of stupidty" is this so called Global Warming. Who even knows what the optimal temperature of the earth is anyway? They barely can predict the weather a few days in advance and they say they can predict it years from now?